Tuesday, 15 November 2016


DGII Sheep Placenta SoftgelFree Shipping Worldwide

Order Online on Our website : http://sc-mart.com/
Order by email : info@sc-mart.com
We ship within 24 hours of successful payment.
Thank you for attention of our product.

Quantity and price
1 box-30 caps 1 month supply : $240
6 box-180 caps 6 month supply : $1260


DGII of Switzerland, is currently the o­ne and o­nly livelised Swiss Placenta (ovine) extracts in unrivalled hi-tech bio active capsules form for anti-aging, tissues regeneration and rejuvenation; giving you not just beautiful skin with vibrant vitality, but also a regenerated younger, healthier you.

 sheep placenta

Now for the first time in 70 years. "Cell Therapy" has become available to the public in high-tech soft gel capsules form, making it possible to receive the incredible benefits without leaving your home. Pope Pius XII was so pleased with the treatment that he inducted Dr. Paul Niehans, the founder of Live Cell Therapy into the Papal Academy Of Science, making him the successor to he late Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin. Many celebrities, Presidents and the Swiss World Cup teams members are o­n Cell Therapy.
President Eisenhower, Prime Minister Winston Churchill and De Gaulle received it to maintain their powers of concentration and their physical endurance.
Adenauer credited it with giving him the energy to lead the Republic of Germany though he was more than 90 years old.
Charlie Chaplin said it enable him to marry and father children after age 70.
Exclusive clinics for the rich & famous in Switzerland has administered the Anti-Aging Live Cell Therapy to both western and oriental celebrities, improving and prolonging their vitality and preserving their youthful appearances and abilities.

What is Cell Therapy?-DGII
Cell Therapy starts with the selection of specific organ cells from a fetal animal bred specifically for this purpose. Many years of experience have shown that sheep are the best donor animals because they are vital, hardy animals with best immune systems and natural disease resistance. Sheep proteins are particularly compatible with the human body and trigger no immune reactions. In Live Cell Therapy these vigorous young cells, with their vital life force still active, are injected into a human host.

Since fetal cells have no antigens, they are not recognized as foreign by the host body. According to Dr. Niehans' proven theory, they circulate from site of injection until they recognize and congregate at the human counterpart of the organ from which they were taken (liver cells go to the liver, sex cells go to the sexual organs, heart cells go the heart etc. These young cells, which are a functional organ specific but not species specific, imprint their vigor upon old, tired and degenerating cells, stimulating them to function with renewed efficiency. The organ itself then retains its vigor and vitality.
In addition to general body revitalization, health maintenance and life extension, Cell Therapy will effectively stimulate the cells of specific organ systems, concerned with obesity arthritis, chronic fatigue, asthma, degenerative brain disease, osteoporosis, circulatory disturbances, sexual dysfunction, male impotence, diabetes, mellitus, hormonal disturbances, skins eruptions, and many other metabolic diseases. Your face will also look younger and healthier in texture and color. Your body physically fitter and more flexible.
Some physicians feel that the most important results of Cell Therapy, are the revitalization of the body immune system & defense mechanisms. When damage occurs to the cells that make up the various tissues and organs involved in the immune systems (either through the aging process or from environmental poisons), the body becomes defenseless against both external invasion and internal degeneration. Damage to the organs of the immune system may be reversed through revitalization & regeneration with Cell Therapy. These new and energetic fresh cells act quickly and effectively to stimulate the body's defense mechanism. There is enormous interest in the use of this therapy to dramatically slow down the aging process ad to regain your health, your vitality and your physical power. All of us want to live long quality life; no o­ne wants to grow old.
DGII of Switzerland is NOT a DRUG, as it does not contain any chemicals but solely a nutritional supplement branded by many as the 'Rolls Royce of all nutritional supplements'. DGII is totally safe and can be used in conjunction with any other vitamins or nutritional supplements.

How does DGII of Switzerland work?

DGII of Switzerland hi-tech capsules are fully researched, developed and manufactured in Switzerland. The method employed in these capsules produces sheep cells which remain biologically active(a proven technique for gently conserving biological substances), without damaging the effectiveness of the valuable big bioactive matter.
The exact dosage of the cell preparations can be accurately measured and sterility controlled.

Cell Therapy is the o­nly process in the world that has been proven safe and effective in slowing down the aging process and dramatically regaining your health, vitality and physical power.
DGII capsules are deemed the most perfected anti aging and cell activating oral supplement from more than 15 years of research and development
DGII bio capsules bypass the stomach and dissolve in the small intestine whereby the active ingredients are fully absorbed by the body. The advantage of dissolution in the stomach is that it avoids the destruction of active peptides and their functions by gastric acid thereby ensuring the bioavailability of the cell elements consumed.
It is currenty the most advanced bio-technological product with a very high metabolic activity. It's active ingredients are small molecular peptides which are absorbed by the body without losing their effects to induce regenerative functions.
The placenta extracts of DGII extracts are from cell culture. They are very foreign contents and are 99% water-soluble.

In comparision with other placental products, DGII being hormones and protein free will not supply artificial hormones to our body, which would affect our own hormones production. Dependency o­n Hormones Therapy may be effective during treatment, however will loose its effects when discontinued. This can be dangerous as it affects the natural balance of the endocrine system. Since, DGII is protein free, the risk of allergy is highly minimized, as the chance of attacking a foreign body is negligible.
The Active substances in 
DGII are extracted with hi-tech biotechnological processes. These extract so called homologous elements entered our body to contribute enormously to revitality through activation and regeneration of our damaged and aging cells.
The ratio of active ingredients in 
DGII is set after prolonged researches and trials in various scientific fields towards achievements of the best concentration of the active ingredients. Both the inner ingredients and outside lac of DGII capsules are stablised.DGII products are all extracted from small peptide fractions with the big molecular fat, Protein and hormones removed. They are further cultivated by Cell Culture with the end results of the active parts separated and purified. They are thus very pure and does not contain any other unnecessary ingredients.
Anti aging is o­nly a general term which represents a whole process. With age advancement, the functions of our organs degenerates. Chronic diseases set in when the body feels uncomfortable, symptoms such as lethargy, fatigue, stress, insomnia, weak concentration, weak memory, depression, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, headache and etc. With 
DGII, all these can be greatly reduced. This also applies to menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, anxiety, depression, dehydration of skins which can also be greatly alleviated. No side effects will occur for long term maintenance since they biomolecules are metabolized, degenerated and excreted via the same pathways as endogenous products.ExpectationAfter just a few weeks of taking DGII of Switzerland Sheep Extracts soft capsules continuously, the body will begin to exhibit major noticeable changes. The joints and discs will become more flexible. Weight will tend to stabilize at a normal level. Vigor and energy will replace previous lethargy. A new willingness and desire to experience life and its reward will emerge, as will the desire to initiate new physical activities. There will be renewed sexual satisfaction and generally, an enthusiastic appetite to enjoy and become more involved with life. Also, during the same time, the individual will begin to look more youthful and alive. This is projected not o­nly from inside the body but outside as well, as the eyes clear and the tone, texture and color & complexion of the skin improves.

After consumption of 2 to 6 boxes (depending o­n individual life style) of DGII of Switzerland Cell Therapy, you may begin to feel and enjoy the followings:
Skin Rejuvenation and Anti-aging Regenerated Cells, Tissues and Organs Vast Improvement in the Immune System against diseases Vast improvements in Alertness and Mentality Finer skin texture and a more even toned color Improvement in skin elasticity, thickness, reduction of wrinkles, lightening of facial pigmentation, refining of facial pores and glowness to your skin. Deeper and relaxing sleep Improvement in Blood Circulation Enhancement in Stamina and Energy Level without feeling tired easily. Boost up of Sex Drive and Potency with endurance and vitality Elimination of Constipation Reduction in Pre-Menopause Syndrome and a delay in Menopause, an indication of aging Decrease in Pre Menstual Tension and related feminine problems Firming up of sagging bust and bust development in some cases of under-developed bust sized women

DGII will NOT cause any side effect
Absolutely NO side effects will occur with short or long term usage of DGII because the bio-molecules are metabolized, degenerated, and excreted via the same pathways as endogenous products. Like its forerunner - Live Cell Therapy - DGII has received a tremendous amount of approval and praise worldwide, but NOT a single report of side effects.
DGII of Switzerland is NOT a drug as it does NOT contain any chemicals, but solely a nutritional supplement branded by many as the "Rolls Royce of nutritional supplements". DGII is clinically tested and FDA approved and can be used in conjunction with any other vitamins or nutritional supplements.

DGII-The Swiss Quality Assurance

Over the years, intensive Research and Development advancement in biotechnology has enabled Swiss products to attain a strong presence in the international market, especially quality and reliability. Various stringent health and quality standards were established in Switzerland to ensure that Swiss manufacturers maintain a constant standard in their products. Thus, "Manufactured in Switzerland" products served as a symbol of reassurance to consumers around the globe.CLINICALLY TESTED DGII IS CLINICALLY TESTED by Bio-HC, o­ne of Europe largest and most sophisticated Clinical Test research centre in Pessac, France under GLP (Good Laboratories Practice conditions.) Bio-HC in Vitro Department comprises of a group of dynamic and experienced experts. These professionals include physicians, pharmacists, dermatologists, allergologists, biochemists and bacteriologists. In order to ensure DGII is totally harmless and have scientific objectivity Bio-HC in Vitro Department conducted and validated toxicological and pharmacological studies o­n DGII. The test report was further attested and audited by PHYCHER Bio Developpement. DGII is also test analysed by other 3 Swiss Research bodies including Laboratoire Dr. Matt.

Swiss Authorities Certification
DGII is originally manufactured and packed in Switzerland with full conformity to international stringent standards of GMP, SQS, ISO9001, ISO14001, European Eurocerta certifications, GLP , TQM, SOP and Swiss Certification SCES002023. MFIII also comes with independent Swiss laboratories reports and analyses.


Each DGII OF SWITZERLAND SHEEO PLACENTA SOFTGEL (1740mg) comprises:Ovine(Sheep) Extract Concentrated 10:1(Equivalent 4,000 Fresh) 400mg,Evening Primrose Oil 200mg, Grape Seed Extract 100mg, Bio Marine Complex 100mg.

Recommended Dosage
1 capsule per day. Take 30 minutes before breakfast for better absorption.
Highly effective if taken in empty stomach in the morning.
We recommend at least 6-12 months consumption in order to make most out of it. Even after 6-12 months' consumption, this product can be taken as Vitamin supplement. Note: There is a possibility that effects of this products become diminished if you smoke or drink heavily.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Why you should watch out for these skin problems

To ensure that you consume enough nutrients you need to listen to your body and the signals that it’s sending.If you notice a change in the body,it could mean that you lack some of the vitamins or minerals.These are the changes that you should pay attention.
Cracking at the corners of the mouth 
These are signals that you lack iron,zinc and B vitamins,such as vitamin B3, B2 and B12.This situation often occurs in vegeterians because they don’t consume enough of mentioned substances.
Solution: Eat more spinach,peanuts,legumessuch as lenses,poultry meat,salmon,tuna,eggs,shellfish and crustaceans.
The absorption of iron is increased with Vitamin C which also helps in fighting infection.Combine these foods with vegetables such as broccoli,red peppers,cabbage and cauliflower.

 DG2 Sheep Placenta Extract

A red rash on the face or other part of the body and hair loss
You are probably missing vitamin B7,also known as vitamin for hair.If you are eating raw eggs that makes you vulnerable because of the protein present in raw eggs,called avidin,that inhibit the body’s ability to absorb biotin.
Solution: Eat more eggs (cooking deactivates avidin),salmon,avocado,mushrooms,cauliflower,soybeans,walnuts,raspberries and bananas.

Red or white appearance of the skin similar to acne,usually on the face,arms,thighs and buttocks 
If this happen you are probablly missing essential fatty acids and vitamins A and D.
Solution : Eat less saturated fats and transfats,such as margarine and hardened vegetable fat,you should remove completly from your diet and replace them with healthy type of fats.You should eat more salmon and sardines,nuts like almonds and walnuts and seeds like flax and hemp.
For vitamin A you should eat more greens and vegetables such as carrots,sweet potatoes and red peppers.This vegetable has a lot of beta carotene,which your body uses to get the required vitamin.And only 10 minutes in the sun will help you to get vitamin D.

Tingling and numbness in the arms,legs or anywhere else 
In this case you are missing B vitamins such as folic acid (B9),B6 and B12.This deficiency is directly linked to the peripheral nerves.These symptoms can occur in combination with anxiety,depression,anemia,fatigue and hormonal imbalances.
Solution : Eat spinach,asparagus,beets,beans,eggs,shellfish,crustaceans and poultry.
Muscle cramps,stabbing pain in the fingers,wrists,arched feet,legs and back
In this case your body needs magnesium,calcium and potassium.If you exercise regularly,you may lose more minerals(and B vitamins that are soluble in water) due to strong perspiration.

Solution: Eat more bananas,almonds,hazelnuts,zucchini,cherry,apple,grapefruit,broccoli,dark leafy greens,such as kale and spinach and dandelion leaves.
Find out how doctors and beautician used DG2 Cell Therapy products to solve their client’s health and skin problem. Click here

Monday, 7 November 2016

DGII Of Switzerland Sheep Placenta Softgel, World's Best Anti-Aging Supplement

The latest all-natural creation from DGII of Switzerland is a fresh, exciting and advanced take on the original, very popular, and highly effective DGII Sheep Placenta Softgels. DGII Sheep Placenta Softgel is similar in that it is fully researched and developed in Switzerland by world-famous DGII. DGII of Switzerland has touted this Sheep Placenta Softgel as a quality anti-aging and cell-activating oral supplement produced during their 20 years of research and development. Visit http://sc-mart.com/product/dg2-sheep-placenta-softgel-2/ for more info

Anti-aging is a general term used for many different types of products and services. For DG2 of Switzerland, however, anti-aging represents an extensive, holistic, and complete process – beginning with the rejuvenation of the millions of cells that make up our body. With age advancement, not only do we look older, but the functions of our organs deteriorate and chronic diseases can develop. When the body is stressed, symptoms (such as fatigue, insomnia, poor concentration, weak memory, depression, irritability, nervousness, dizziness, and repeating headaches) lead to rapid-aging and diminished overall health. These symptoms and environmental conditions contribute to rapidly appearing older. These problems can be greatly reduced through advanced Cell Therapy from DGII of Switzerland and the DG2 Sheep Placenta Softgel.

The award-winning formulation of DG2 Sheep Placenta Softgel for anti-aging and rejuvenation includes:

Sheep Placenta Extract

·         50:1 comprising over 200 growth factors, dermal bio-activators, amino acids, vitamins and minerals
·         Increase sex drive

Marine Collagen

·         For strengthening of connective tissues to induce skin smoothing, improvement in skin suppleness and dermis density to engender youthful skin appearance.
·         Anti-aging

Deep Sea Fish Protein

·         Boost immune system
·         Lower blood pressure and plasma total cholesterol


·         Liver and kidney detoxification
·         Skin whitening and revitalization

Grape seed extract

·         Powerful antioxidant
·         Relieves constipation

Coenzyme Q10

·         Maintain blood pressure
·         Promote a healthy cardiovascular system


·         Cardiovascular diseases protection
·         Reduces cell damage

DGII Sheep Placenta Capsules is fortified with special double-enteric coated softgels and strengthened by the brand’s superior Anti-Reflux Technology to form an outstanding transport mechanism for all of the placenta’s goodness, directly to the core of your body. Whether they are at the stomach or the intestine, these high-tech softgels can effectively prevent acid-alkaline digestion at both areas, ensuring optimal absorption in the gastrointestinal tracts for maximum rejuvenation. Visit http://sc-mart.com/product/dg2-sheep-placenta-softgel-2/ for more info

Benefits of DG2 Sheep Placenta Capsules*

WELLBEING Rejuvenation

– Boost general health, vitality and wellness
– Increase energy levels
– Improve stress response
– Promote deeper (restorative) sleep
– Enhance mental agility and alertness
– Improve stamina, mobility and range of motion
– Strengthen sensory function
– Treatment for postpartum depression

METABOLIC Rejuvenation

– Strengthen the body’s detox system for better digestion
– Stimulate circulation and metabolism
– Promote post-natal recuperation to restore health
– Balance and purify the reproductive system
– Menopausal Treatment

IMMUNE Rejuvenation

– Support speedy recovery from illness and poor state of health
– Reinforce the immune system

AESTHETIC Rejuvenation

– Promote protein and collagen synthesis
– Enhance natural repair system and bio-sunshield against premature photo-aging
– Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
– Enhance skin structure, firmness and elasticity
– Promote greater evenness in skin tone and colour

*Disclaimer: Results may vary between individual

Cold Enzymatic Acid Process
The ratio of active ingredients in DG2 Sheep Placenta Softgel is set after prolonged researches and trials in various scientific fields determine the best concentration of all the active ingredients.

Both the internal 100% Natural carefully selected ingredients and the outside coating of DG2 Sheep Placenta Softgel are stabilized.
DG2 Sheep Placenta Capsules are all extracted from small peptide fractions with the big molecules of fat, protein and hormones removed.
They are further cultivated by cell cultures with the result ending with the bio-active portions separated and purified.

This allows them a very pure and do not contain any other unnecessary ingredients. The final product is a fully-soluble material manufactured in a controlled air environment throughout the exclusive proprietary enzymatic digestion process.
This is a cold enzymatic acid process during extraction which does not share the destructive effects of heating from 125 degrees to 180 degrees Celsius as is commonly used in the sterilization process by other brands. Hence, no other cell extract products are the same as DGII Sheep Placenta Softgel because the methods of the extraction process are very different. Other current cell extracts supplements on the market are extracted via more conventional methods.

No Side Effect

No side effects will occur from use of the DG2 Sheep Placenta Softgel . This includes long-term usage, as the bio-molecules in the product will be metabolized, degenerated, and ultimately excreted via the same pathways as all of our body’s endogenous products. In addition, DG2 Sheep Placenta Softgel will not contribute artificial hormones to our bodies, which affects our own hormone production. Hormone Therapy can be dangerous because it affects the natural balance of the endocrine system.

Finally, since DGII Sheep Placenta Softgel is protein-free, the risk of an allergic reaction is highly minimal, as the chance of the body attacking a foreign body is negligible. This is because the active substances in DGII Sheep Placenta Softgels are extracted with hi-tech biotechnological processes. These extracts or homologous elements enter our bodies and contribute enormously to its revitalization through activation and regeneration of our damaged and aging cells, without any risk of allergy.

Visit http://sc-mart.com/product/dg2-sheep-placenta-softgel-2/ for more info

Friday, 4 November 2016

How drinking three litres of water a day took ten years off my face

Since ages old water has been the conduit for miracles. Pilgrimages are made by millions each year to bathe in the holy waters of the River Ganges, and crowds of people visit the healing waters at Lourdes. A less religious bunch was recently wowed by the seeming miracle that water conducted on the face of 42 year old British woman, Sarah Smith. It seemed to take ten years off her face! I am keen to investigate this marvel for myself.
There are a few different reasons water could be found to have an impact on the way we look. The basic one is that water keeps us well hydrated- I can’t help but thinking about the difference between juicy grapes and shriveled raisins. Drinking water can flush out our bodies of any toxins hanging around – notorious for impacting the way we process beautifying minerals and nourishment. Water is also key for generating new cells – so keeping our bodies topped up will lead to new cell for our skin and hair (new cells = gorgeousness.) A bit of research reveals that our bodies are 80% water – EIGHTY PER CENT?! WHAT? How are we not just puddles with eyes and mouths? It seems to make sense that if we replenish our water stores with a fresh abundance of water our bodies are going to love it.
It is a fairly simple experiment and doesn’t involve a trip to Lourdes, or the Ganges, which would be a bit of a faff. I have to drink 3 litres of water a day for 4 weeks. That is a lot of water, considering at the moment I probably drink about half a cup. I have a bit of a false start as I spend a week counting “loads of tea” as “3 litres of water” – apparently it has to be the pure stuff, so I regroup and start again, really seriously this time.
I thought this would be up there with the easiest experiment: “drink water.” But it is actually the hardest I’ve done. I feel like, for one month, I either have a bloated stomach with litres of water sloshing around in it or I am desperate for the loo. I have never weed so much in my life.
I hear other people carry a bottle around with them and just sip at it throughout the day. This is a WAY better idea than periodically standing at the sink and downing glass after glass. But the thing is, I regularly leave the house without very important things such as purse and phone – a bottle of water was never going to be a remembered accessory.
It takes about two weeks to feel like the water is impacting my body other than making me feel uncomfortable…. But then, one day, I just feel light and fresh and notice that the mirror reveals it to be the case too.
For the first time ever I asked my husband if he as noticed anything different about me recently. He’s not especially observant, this guy, but he said “Actually, this is the truth, I was JUST thinking how your face looks, sort of, erm, bright at the moment…”
And here’s the thing. It’s not just ‘cos he’s a disinterested fella that he couldn’t find the right adjective. But it’s because it is hard to really say what the water has done… but it really has done something.
I feel like it has kind of opened up my face, made the dark spaces less. Like when you smooth down your duvet and the peaks and crevices disappear. (Although, even that doesn’t serve as an ideal image… I wouldn’t have said my face was creviced at the start!) My skin is soft and smooth, dark rings around my eyes are less so and my hair is far more shiny and glossy.
It’s been a mysterious and, I feel, quite miraculous experiment. I am absolutely convinced my face and hair looks fresher and more youthful. It is also an incredibly cheap way to take the years off. As they so though, the biggest component of miracles is faith. Perhaps my hopeful mind performed this one all by itself!
However, I am pretty convinced by the research, and the results. I will definitely drink more water. I won’t drink this much, not enough to feel discomfort. But I have officially added “drink water” to my daily habits.

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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Here’s what happen when you eat placenta

The placenta can be eaten raw, or it can be incorporated into a special meal. Placenta recipes are a real thing that are on the Internet. Lest you never want to eat lasagna again, I have not included links. It can be cooked (usually steamed) then sliced, dehydrated, and encapsulated into a pill. Sometimes women freeze it in small chunks and blend it into a smoothie.
Whether one’s placenta is seen as a bloody byproduct or a bonus prize is up to cultural and personal interpretation. Placentas contain remainder nutrients and hormones that were passed from mother to child in utero, but no clinical studies attest to their benefit (or harm). Often cited is a 1954 study that aimed to increase lactation in new mothers by feeding them freeze-dried placenta. “So far,” its authors boasted, “we can report on 210 women who ate placenta: 71 with very good results, 110 with good, and 29 with negative results,” with very good results involving an increase in breast size and milk production. The study is limited, however, in that no controls were used, and 59 years later, science has yet to follow up on those initial findings.

Jodi Selander started a site that vends DIY placenta encapsulating kits and is herself an advocate of the practice. In the dearth of medical evidence, she helped anthropologists at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), find subjects for a study that looked at women’s reasons for eating their placentas and the effects they reported experiencing. These may well have been what Western medicine would call placebo effects, but nonetheless provide a rare look into the mindsets of people to whom the practice makes sense.

King Namer in a ceremonial procession that includes his placenta and umbilical cord. [Bull. N.Y. Acam Med]
The authors interviewed 189 “women over the age of 18 who use the Internet and who had ingested their placenta after the birth of at least one child.” Such women turned out to be overwhelmingly white, American, middle-class, college-educated home-birthers. Most reported positive effects. And in what might be the most important measure of what exactly’s going on here, most said they would do it again for their next birth.
Although many proponents argue that placenta eating is natural, it doesn’t appear to be something humans used to do before “society” interfered and deemed it gross. A historical review found “scant evidence” for the practice. Its author, William Ober, allowed that placenta may have been credited with some medical properties throughout human history, but wrote that most instances of its ingestion were probably due to extreme circumstances, like famine. He could conclude only that “given sufficient motivation, mankind will eat anything.” 
PlacentaBenefits.info does highlight the placenta’s cross-cultural importance. It doesn’t, however, explain why the placenta, viewed as sacred by the Navajo and the ancient Egyptians, and believed to be a “second child” by the Baganda, should be ground up and consumed. 
The modern idea of mothers eating their own placentas didn’t really take hold until the 1970s, when Ober reported of “a woman of the counter-culture” who tried it out after giving birth on her commune. (She and her friends, who joined in, called it “wonderfully replenishing and delicious.”)

Anti-aging benefits

A friend who is studying to be a midwife and assists with natural births has heard women speak often of the way the placenta resembles a “tree of life,” and of their fascination with their bodies’ ability not just to create a new human being, but also an entire organ dedicated to protecting and sustaining that life. 
The most frequent belief cited by the women in the UNLV study was that it would improve their mood, followed by “general, but unspecified, benefits.” They reported experiencing a wide range of perceived benefits, mostly “improved mood,” but also “improved lactation” and “balance.” 
Close to 70 percent of the women had no negative effects to report, although some experienced headaches and “unpleasant belching.” Other negatives: it caused a rash on the baby; it worsened hot flashes, cramping, bleeding, and constipation; “social stigma.” Seventy-five percent of women, though, said it had been a “very positive experience.”
“I felt almost immediate relief after my first ‘smoothie,'” said one. Said another, “My family could always tell if I hadn’t taken the placenta pills that day!”

DGII Sheep Placenta softgel
Click here for more info

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.