Since ages old water has been the conduit for miracles. Pilgrimages are made by millions each year to bathe in the holy waters of the River Ganges, and crowds of people visit the healing waters at Lourdes. A less religious bunch was recently wowed by the seeming miracle that water conducted on the face of 42 year old British woman, Sarah Smith. It seemed to take ten years off her face! I am keen to investigate this marvel for myself.
There are a few different reasons water could be found to have an impact on the way we look. The basic one is that water keeps us well hydrated- I can’t help but thinking about the difference between juicy grapes and shriveled raisins. Drinking water can flush out our bodies of any toxins hanging around – notorious for impacting the way we process beautifying minerals and nourishment. Water is also key for generating new cells – so keeping our bodies topped up will lead to new cell for our skin and hair (new cells = gorgeousness.) A bit of research reveals that our bodies are 80% water – EIGHTY PER CENT?! WHAT? How are we not just puddles with eyes and mouths? It seems to make sense that if we replenish our water stores with a fresh abundance of water our bodies are going to love it.
It is a fairly simple experiment and doesn’t involve a trip to Lourdes, or the Ganges, which would be a bit of a faff. I have to drink 3 litres of water a day for 4 weeks. That is a lot of water, considering at the moment I probably drink about half a cup. I have a bit of a false start as I spend a week counting “loads of tea” as “3 litres of water” – apparently it has to be the pure stuff, so I regroup and start again, really seriously this time.
I thought this would be up there with the easiest experiment: “drink water.” But it is actually the hardest I’ve done. I feel like, for one month, I either have a bloated stomach with litres of water sloshing around in it or I am desperate for the loo. I have never weed so much in my life.
I hear other people carry a bottle around with them and just sip at it throughout the day. This is a WAY better idea than periodically standing at the sink and downing glass after glass. But the thing is, I regularly leave the house without very important things such as purse and phone – a bottle of water was never going to be a remembered accessory.
It takes about two weeks to feel like the water is impacting my body other than making me feel uncomfortable…. But then, one day, I just feel light and fresh and notice that the mirror reveals it to be the case too.
For the first time ever I asked my husband if he as noticed anything different about me recently. He’s not especially observant, this guy, but he said “Actually, this is the truth, I was JUST thinking how your face looks, sort of, erm, bright at the moment…”
And here’s the thing. It’s not just ‘cos he’s a disinterested fella that he couldn’t find the right adjective. But it’s because it is hard to really say what the water has done… but it really has done something.
I feel like it has kind of opened up my face, made the dark spaces less. Like when you smooth down your duvet and the peaks and crevices disappear. (Although, even that doesn’t serve as an ideal image… I wouldn’t have said my face was creviced at the start!) My skin is soft and smooth, dark rings around my eyes are less so and my hair is far more shiny and glossy.
It’s been a mysterious and, I feel, quite miraculous experiment. I am absolutely convinced my face and hair looks fresher and more youthful. It is also an incredibly cheap way to take the years off. As they so though, the biggest component of miracles is faith. Perhaps my hopeful mind performed this one all by itself!
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